General Grand Chapter Elected Officers

Kelly L. O’Malley
RW Grand Secretary Protem
Past Grand Matron
General Grand Chapter Ambassador

Beverley C. Brooks Ambassador to Germany Chairman of Ambassadors Past Grand Matron
General Grand Chapter Committee Members

Laura Babbitt
Chairman – Charters Committee
Past Grand Matron

Bret W. Shifflett
Alzheimer’s Committee
Past Grand Patron

Larry F. Richardson
Cancer Committee
Past Grand Patron

Marcia L. Perry
Celebrations in DC Committee
Past Grand Matron

Setha C. Bennett
Eastern Star Journal Committee
Past Grand Matron

Lynne E. Jones
Historical Landmarks Committee,
International Headquarters
Past Grand Matron
Special Appointments of the MWGM & MWGP

Fe Abarquez-Suaco
MWGM & MWGP Liaison for the Philippines

David L. Sawyer, Jr.
Chairman, Sales of Who’s Who Book and Itinerary